Spreeplan Projekt UG - Naturbauschule: Seminars and workshops on healthy building and renovation
Spreeplan Projekt UG - Naturbauschule
Reichsstraße 108
Frau Dipl.-Ing. Arch. Manuela Mathäs
030 33772450
030 30204357
The Natural Building School is part of the educational initiative of Spreeplan Projekt UG.
In seminars and workshops, we have been imparting specialist knowledge on the subject of healthy living ecological construction and renovation for over 20 years.
The educational offer of the Spreeplan Projekt UG/Naturbauschule addresses itself both to adults - specialized public (architects, engineers, students, craftsmen) and laymen (owners, teachers, educators, municipalities) and to children and young people. The knowledge transfer is adapted to the respective target groups.
The seminars/workshops are offered and accomplished either directly in the respective educational facilities or at the own seminar center in Räbel (Saxonia-Anhalt). The offer reaches from day seminars, over multi-level project days, up to projects integrated into the kindergarten/school year.
In all offers abstract knowledge is linked with concrete experiences.
Topics in adult education are for example:
Introduction to ecological building,
Natural building materials - selection and evaluation criteria,
Ecological building in public and large-scale projects
Topics in children and youth education are e.g.
Animal Builders and Human Dwellings - A Comparison,
Packing an energy backpack,
Sharpening sensory perception - how do artificial and natural building materials differ?
Weaving, stacking, mashing, binding, braiding - building techniques in a practical workshop
BNE Auszeichnungen
Ausgezeichnet im
UNESCO-Programm BNE 2030
Aktiv in
Early childhood care and education, School, Vocational education, Higher Education, Extracurricular education and training, Non-formal and informal education, Training of Teachers/Educators/Multipliers
Thematische Schwerpunkte
Construction and Housing, Energy, Climate, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsible Consumption and Production, Ecoystems/Biodiversity, Sustainable Development Goals, Others
Sonstige Themen
Ecology and sustainability in art, artistic exploration of topics of ecological construction.
Mitgliedschaft in Gremien der nationalen BNE-Umsetzung
Building Capacities of Educators, Youth Action, Local Level Action