
Zooschool in Nordhorn Zoo - out-of-class education for sustainable development for everyone


Zooschool in the Nordhorn Zoo

Heseper Weg 140
48531 Nordhorn

Frau Dr. Rebecca Schulte-Iserlohe


Nordhorn Zoo is a scientifically-led zoo and a regional center for species and nature education, visited by more than 450.000 people every year.

The Zoo school is recognised as an facility for out-of-class education for sustainable development by the Ministry of Education of Lower Saxony. It is the centerpiece of our educational program and offers courses and activities for people of all ages. In Addition to open informal education like information boards, we offer a variety of courses and activities which can be booked. Every year, about 15,000 people participate in our educational offers. As we mainly target children and teenagers, we are cooperating with many kindergartens and schools, which regularly participate in our courses. Furthermore, we train lecturers, support schools in embedding education for sustainable development in classes and daily school routine as well as in qualitative development. We collaborate closely with diverse organizations for species and nature education and support regional efforts in implementing sustainable development.

Central topics of our educational program are the sustainable handling of our environment as well as species and habitat conservation. By observing living animals and by having close contact with them, our visitors empathize with our animals and enhance their understanding of nature and species conversation. Such an experience with all senses facilitates learning and motivates to stand up for the protection of our planet.

Globale Nachhaltigkeitsziele (SDGs)

BNE Auszeichnungen

Ausgezeichnet im
UNESCO-Programm BNE 2030


Aktiv in



Early childhood care and education, School, Vocational education, Higher Education, Extracurricular education and training, Non-formal and informal education, Training of Teachers/Educators/Multipliers We not offer not only courses in the zoo, but also directly at the schools, either during lessons or as extracurricular clubs. Furthermore, we organize guided tours directly in nature, for example in forests, heathlands or by boat on rivers.

Thematische Schwerpunkte

Nutrition, Climate, Responsible Consumption and Production, Ecoystems/Biodiversity, Sustainable Development Goals

Sonstige Themen

Species and nature conversation; regional historical education; regional environment protection

Mitgliedschaft in Gremien der nationalen BNE-Umsetzung



Learning Environments / whole-institution-approach, Building Capacities of Educators, Youth Action, Local Level Action